My passport is expiring next year (May 2014) and have already given my passport for the renewal at the CGI, Toronto through BLS courier (Currently I am in Toronto). Also, my (study permit + temp resident visa) is expiring in April 2014.
Once I get my renewed passport in October, can I start the process to extend my study permit and temp resident visa in October?
What is the procedure to do so? Can I apply for a 10 year multiple entry visa?
Let me know please.
-Thank you
My passport is expiring next year (May 2014) and have already given my passport for the renewal at the CGI, Toronto through BLS courier (Currently I am in Toronto). Also, my (study permit + temp resident visa) is expiring in April 2014.
Once I get my renewed passport in October, can I start the process to extend my study permit and temp resident visa in October?
What is the procedure to do so? Can I apply for a 10 year multiple entry visa?
Let me know please.
-Thank you