I applied under the general category, I am a UK citizen, and I will be studying a diploma at a private college. My application took about 1 week to process and get approved. My proof of finance was my savings and money from rent on a property I own with my siblings so even though I didn't have all the money to cover everything from my personal savings I think they took the rental property into consideration. Also having a property in UK and my wife being in the UK shows that I have strong ties in UK to return after my studies. I have aunties and cousins in Canada but not immediate family. Also I have been to Canada twice (once this year) and always returned after my visit so my travel history might also have helped. I just wanted to share my story as it might help someone. I don't think there are hard and fast rules that will get you definitely approved, I just think it depends on the person that reviews your application and Gods favor. So have faith in God and pray that the officer looks favorably on your application. God bless