Hey folks,
I want to study for 1 year and apply for the BC provincional nominee program. I have option of doing 1 year diploma in business administration, working part time after 6 months. I also saw that some english schools offer opportunity to study 1 year and work 50% of the time as an intern. On the BC website it says
I want to study for 1 year and apply for the BC provincional nominee program. I have option of doing 1 year diploma in business administration, working part time after 6 months. I also saw that some english schools offer opportunity to study 1 year and work 50% of the time as an intern. On the BC website it says
Can anyone here advice which BC english schools offer diploma in business or commerce that qualify as per regulations above?Eligible Diploma Programs
A program of study, offered by a B.C. public post-secondary institution, that is normally greater than 12 months of full-time equivalent study.
The diploma must be awarded within the following fields:
* Applied sciences or technologies, or engineering
* Health sciences or technologies
* Computer science or technology, information systems or digital media
* Business or commerce
* Tourism, recreation and hospitality
* Transportation and logistics