My wife's PR visa was rejected and the marriage certificate / birth certificate portions were marked incomplete. We uploaded the English version of the jurishomeisho (certificate of acknowledgement) for both the wedding and birth sections. Since they were provided in English by the city hall I rationalized that they wouldn't need a certified translation / notarization as they are already in English. I've read in some other threads that koseki-tohon and kaiseigen koseki tohon were used as marriage certificates however those were uploaded as well, using the English versions provided by our city hall. For the Birth certifcate I'm assuming we will have to use the shusshoshomeisho instead. However I'm not sure what document would be more suitable for the wedding certificate category. Again if I'm barking up the wrong tree and IRCC doesn't view the city hall provided "English versions" as suitable, that would be a different situation. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.