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Spouse and Dependent Children Medical Timing


Nov 24, 2024

I am currently sponsoring my spouse along with her 2 dependent children. My spouse received her request to complete her Medical Exam (IMM1017) on Nov 21, 2024 but her two dependent children did not receive this letter request. We logged into the application tracker to confirm that the two children are indeed part of the application and they even have their own unique IME (Immigration Medical Exam) document number. Is there a delay for the children to receive their medical exam request and will they contact my spouse via email?

I noticed that under the contact information for the two children, the email address field is blank but I also do not recall IRCC asking for their email addresses. Under my spouse's contact information, her email address and phone number are listed correct. I would assume due to their young age, IRCC would email my spouse with the request for the children?

Thank you in advance!