My wife and I met online through a mutual friend in Feb '15. We quickly grew fond of each other and began talking everyday through social media texting and call and video call. We met in person in June and spent 3 weeks together. That's when we knew that it was real and we wanted to be together. We started saving all our records since then and maintained contact talking upwards of 2-3 hours a day on the phone and constantly texting. I flew back to Indonesia and married her on December 1st. We had a small private religious ceremony in which her family was present. We had an informal reception at her parents house where just about everybody in her neighbourhood came by. We then went on a 4 day honey moon before I had to return to Canada to go back to work. We applied for a study permit for my wife to study English as she genuinely wants to become completely fluent and pursue a higher education in an English university but we were denied for the usual reason of not satisfied she would leave Canada. We had hoped that she could have come to study here so we could develop a period of time of cohabitation and her meet and spend time with my family before submitting PR application and we know a couple personally who did the exact same thing and were accepted for the study permit so it seemed like a good idea to us to try. Now we have decided that the only way for us to Be together is for me to sponsor her. We have tons of evidence, photos, wedding photos, texts, screenshots of all our calls on whatsapp, postcards, letters from her family and mine and friends, life insurance indicating her as beneficiary etc. Problem is we have nothing saved from before July. We do have a mutual friend to vouch that we maintained contact since we met.
My question is should I hire a lawyer to take on my case or do you think we have enough documentation that we don't need a professional to make our application more persuasive then I could myself?
This application is everything to us as we just want to be together and we don't want to mess it up.
My question is should I hire a lawyer to take on my case or do you think we have enough documentation that we don't need a professional to make our application more persuasive then I could myself?
This application is everything to us as we just want to be together and we don't want to mess it up.