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Spousal Sponosorship, here we go

May 18, 2011
hi there!
i am new in the forum but i have being reading many post for couple of weeks and first i will like to say that you can see here ppl are really serious:)

so before i start writing let me apologize for my english is no the best but i will try even harder! :) promess!

i will like to get the attention on this post of ppl who had sussced on their sponsorship application and admin and VIP members as well. any information will compleltly be appriciate!

So me and my wife (we actually got married 5 days ago!) are applying for a sponsorship in land, i have being in canada with a refugee status since feb 2010, and already have my work permit, IFH and temporarly SIN (since my case for refugee still undecided) i know my wife for a year and a half and know her family for long enough already. i am leaving in my own apt( actually i rent a room in a condominum in toronto) and have a lease on my name. my wife is still living with her parents. we werent planing in living together yet bcz i am on a lease wich i cant cancel. we starting filling the application and we start collecting proof of our relationship,
(we have pic from trips (wich those are our harder proof), some chatting (not many bcz we live 2 building distance so... jeje) and im trying now to get from my cell provider my history on bills proving our calls (wich actually we used to talk alot on phone... siriusly.. hours per day :) , as well we have from her side supporting letters from her mom and dad, and aunt,and of course her own letter from my side mom an sister from back home and my roomate )we have some gretting cards from my family and her family for the marriage and even a poem wich i wrote to propose to her :))
we dont have any proof that we live together bcz we dont yet, and i check out if i can add her name to my lease but i got a respond from a brooker that i cant bcz im renting a room only and not an apt. we had open a joint bank account linked to the old and separates accounts.
we are very very worrying about this failing:( the issue of the living together is really bothering us bcz we dont right now but we were thinking to move to her parents apt after my lease ends (2 moonths) to save some money.. ( maaannn lawyers can be really reallly expensive! i think we got over charge and that sucks... :( )but her parents own the apt so here is my first question, in that case what kind of proof can we bring if i move to her parents apt with her?
we are taking very sirious this application and we are stress out and scared that will fail :( we had read on forums abt ppl who had fail and we dont want that to happen
my second question is: can i get deported while the application is in process?
i know there is a very big posibility that my refugee file will get denied bcz im coming from israel and bcz i had apply for it only a couple of weeks b4 my tourist visa, which i enter canada with, will expired. i understood in that case i will loose my work permit ifh and even sin and even have to go maybe for PRRA,so my third question is can i apply by the sponsorship application for those documents?? in case of no what are my option to support my self ( like they are expecting from my wife to support my for all the processing time??)
and my fourth question is usually how long this applications usually take to get approved or denied?
Do you guys think we have a chance here to get the sponsorship??
Why a person cannot get aproved to sponsor the spousal ?? (i mean if my wife will get denied to sponsor me, she is an angel no record no bank croups and always worked...well... here and there every couple of years some months off 2 3 months off jejeje...)

If you guys got here i really really apriciate the efford of reading my long booring story (some of you can be now like...grr hehe:$)
please respond to my post honestly and feel free to say whatever you feel like
any respond answer and reply will completly aprriciate

so here we are praying (actually also back home from my parents in israel ) to this application sucsess
we really scared and stress out from all this i hope you guys honestly can tell us some true about this kind of applications(well we never had appply for something like this and dont know ppl who had b4 niether)

so how we say in hebrew; shalom (peace!) :)


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
When you move into her parents' apartment to live with her, will the parents expect you to pay them rent? If they will be letting you stay there free, then I suggest you move in there now. Your lease is not up yet, so you would still have to pay for that for two months, but you will have to pay for two more months no matter where you are living. I suggest you move in now because it looks odd for a married couple to not be living together when they are in the same town.
It takes about 10 months to get first-stage approval for an inland application - with first-stage approval you can work and get gov't health care. Since you're applying to be a refugee, you can't really apply outland.
May 18, 2011
thank you very very much for your quick reply canadianwomen!
in case i move to her apt what kind of proof can i bring?! im going to stay rent free in their place.


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
When you move into her parents' apartment, you will be living with her and her parents, and anyone else? The parents should write an affidavit stating that you live there with their daughter, that they are not charging you rent, and that they believe your marriage is genuine.
You can get support letters from friends and relatives also stating that they believe your marriage is genuine, and that they know that you are living with your wife in her parents' place.