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sponsoring someone who is a common law vs married for PR status


Full Member
May 29, 2009
I'm a Canadian citizen, my fiance who I met in school has been living with me for more than a year, was a international student that graduated, now with temp work permit for 3 years, how big of a difference would it make if I sponsored her for PR status when we are married vs common law status? Does it make a big difference in processing time or effect the success of her getting PR status? I have a decent/secure job with the government, no debt with good credit if that matters.

We planned wedding for next summer/fall when the weather is nice and both families can come to Canada when the swine flu epic dies down, but she is now pregnant. If she has no PR status in Ontario that means we have to pay for checkups and hospital fees after the delivery of the child?

what would you guys suggest?



Sep 29, 2009
Common Law versus Married makes no difference, if you have been living together for a year and have some way of proving it (mail, ids with address), go ahead and apply. Your situation is similar to ours. I am Canadian and sponsored my girlfriend common law. We applied in Jan and she was finished processing Aug.


Full Member
May 29, 2009
so until everything is done and she is granted PR status in your case took 7 month, does it mean that we would have to pay for all the hospital visits during the time? do you guys recommand any health insurance coverage or plan to purchase? or am I just out of luck?

also I will try and get the applications ready this weekend, any tips for applying?


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
If she is a TFW she is eligible for provincial medical coverage.

Tips - include as much proof as possible to prove your common law status of living together for at least 12 consecutive months.