I spoke with a CIC agent after getting through of an hour of wait.
I was not sure why in the checklist it says to share the bio pages but in the guide it seems to imply to send the full passport copies.
Eventually the agent said that indeed the photocopies of the passports should be sent AND any stamps should be translated.
This is kinda unfair as we dont have clear cut instructions. Oh well I scrambled to get my stamps translated this morning.
Hope all others take heed to this as it can delay your application.
I was not sure why in the checklist it says to share the bio pages but in the guide it seems to imply to send the full passport copies.
Eventually the agent said that indeed the photocopies of the passports should be sent AND any stamps should be translated.
This is kinda unfair as we dont have clear cut instructions. Oh well I scrambled to get my stamps translated this morning.
Hope all others take heed to this as it can delay your application.