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SOWP March applicant-not approved yet


Full Member
Jan 28, 2015
Hi all i need your help here

i have applied SOWP inland and paid for $255 at the time i applied. Currently i hold PGWP and my common law partner is on PGWP as well. He is an assistant manager at a retail store. However i still haven't heard back from CIC yet whether my application is approved or not. I know people applied after me and they have gotten approval already so i am getting a bit worried. I went through my documentation this morning and i found i made a mistake on my IMM5710. I have put a wrong date for my passport issue expiry date. I have put 13th instead of 3rd but month and year are correct. Would that be a big issue? I have attached copy of my passport along with the application so i hope they will take that as consideration as well

Anyone who applied inside Canada around end of March would you mind to share your timeline please?
Thank you so much in advance!


Star Member
Mar 25, 2015
lcnana said:
Hi all i need your help here

i have applied SOWP inland and paid for $255 at the time i applied. Currently i hold PGWP and my common law partner is on PGWP as well. He is an assistant manager at a retail store. However i still haven't heard back from CIC yet whether my application is approved or not. I know people applied after me and they have gotten approval already so i am getting a bit worried. I went through my documentation this morning and i found i made a mistake on my IMM5710. I have put a wrong date for my passport issue expiry date. I have put 13th instead of 3rd but month and year are correct. Would that be a big issue? I have attached copy of my passport along with the application so i hope they will take that as consideration as well

Anyone who applied inside Canada around end of March would you mind to share your timeline please?
Thank you so much in advance!
i am not sure about inside but we applied 2nd March outside Canada no reply so farbut I believe date will be not a issue because you scanned passport too.