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some guidance for online relationship....what to save....steps to take??


Mar 2, 2010
Ohio, USA
Job Offer........
hello CV forums :D

i am currently living in the US (Ohio), i am in an online relationship with someone in Alberta, Canada (8+ months). i guess i am looking for some guidance as to what to save, keep track of and compile of things i would need if the relationship continues forward to marriage and possibly moving to Canada (if we were in the same location we would be in a serious committed relationship). its been a short time and neither of us want to rush into things but if the time comes when its an option for us i would rather be prepared than scrouging for documents. our only means of communication at this time are msn messenger, voice chat on the computer, text messaging, email, facebook, and web cam. we have plans to meet but unfortunately at this time due to finances ( $1000+ for tickets, passport, etc :( ) and us both attending school/trade/apprenticeship programs it is not possible.

i have looked at the skilled worker program to see if i qualify but i don't. i am trying to finish school and possibly look for a job in the health care field in Canada but seeing as i am not able to travel back and forth it seems like it could complicate things. maybe once i continue schooling and have more medical experience i would be apt to find a job there?

any other suggestions as to other options so we can be together??

i have a 3 year old son also....what laws does my son fall under? would he need to be adopted?? (sorry had trouble finding info on children)

on a side note my credit report is with faults...possibly may need to file bankruptcy :( will this affect things??

any helpful info would be great. this is all scary and exciting. i don't want to get ahead of the game but like i said id like to be prepared since we both have sincere feelings for one another but the distance/inability to move there is keeping us from each other.

i am open to answer most questions.

thanks, kat