questionsasked said:
I have to wait about 3 weeks to land at my local cic office. Meanwhile, I got a job. I was wondering if I can use CoPR to get my SIN number and card updated?
To apply for your SIN, to obtain a confirmation of your SIN, or to amend your SIN record from outside of Canada:
Download an application form from our website, or order the form by phone at 506-548-7961 (long distance charges apply).
Send us your completed application and original documents to:
Service Canada
Social Insurance Registration Office
PO Box 7000
Bathurst, New Brunswick E2A 4T1
If you are eligible to apply by mail, you can submit an application with original proof of identity document(s). Photocopies are not accepted.
If you send your application by registered mail, we will return your documents in the same way. Service Canada is not responsible for document(s) lost in the mail.
If your SIN application meets the requirements, you will receive your confirmation of SIN letter by mail within 20 business days from the date the application is received. If more than 25 business days have passed and you would like to find out the status of your application, contact the SIN program.
Permanent residents
You must provide one of the following primary documents:
Permanent Resident card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Confirmation of Permanent Residence issued by CIC, accompanied by either a travel document (for example, a foreign passport) or an alternate photo identification issued by a provincial/territorial authority (for example, a driver’s licence). Note:The Confirmation of Permanent Residence is acceptable if used within one year of the date you became a permanent resident. The Permanent Resident card is required after this period.
Record of Landing issued by CIC before June 28, 2002.
Verification of Landing issued by CIC. This document is provided when an original Record of Landing or the Confirmation of Permanent Residence is not available (if it has been lost, for example). This document is only acceptable to amend a SIN record or to obtain a confirmation of an existing SIN.
Status Verification or Verification of Status issued by CIC. This document is only acceptable to amend a SIN record or to obtain a confirmation of an existing SIN.