lpc19800 said:You know there's already a campaign on - not to scrap the bill completely but to make changes. Starting a smaller one is pointless
surgi said:I signed it too and the whole members of my family who have emails
Its not called the students petition. The one you refering to is a petition which talks about the elimination of counting of pre-PR time (affecting all former temporary residents, see link below) and retroactive application of Bill C-24 on the current PRs.om saif said:the students' petition is already in the parliament now. so, please start signing this one. students can sign this one as well.
surgi said:please share the link on social network like facebook and tweeter and any other blog you have registered. Ask others to do the same. Make ads in all free websites like Kijiji and Craiglist to call people to sign the petition. Sent requests to different groups in Canada of different ethnic and nationalities on the social network to sign the petition. Also these petitions can be promoted on the change.org who can and is willing to do so he has to sacrifice some dollars for that, I did.