Hi there,
I am coming up to my one year of employment.
I have worked approx 1700+ so far.
I took two weeks off as vacation, which I was paid vacation pay however this was paid on another pay cheque.
(a mistake by my office)
I have worked over the 30 hours for every week except for 2 weeks when I had to take two unpaid sick days.
These weeks worked out to be 24ish hours.
My question is, do I have to allow an extra two weeks of work on top of my "one year" to allow for the weeks i had sick days?
Or are sick days permitted even if unpaid? and ive worked over the number of hours needed in total.
For timeline reasons and my current visa, i am obviously trying to apply asap... so if i don't have to allow those two extra weeks would be incredibly beneficial.
Any advice please, thank you.
I am coming up to my one year of employment.
I have worked approx 1700+ so far.
I took two weeks off as vacation, which I was paid vacation pay however this was paid on another pay cheque.
(a mistake by my office)
I have worked over the 30 hours for every week except for 2 weeks when I had to take two unpaid sick days.
These weeks worked out to be 24ish hours.
My question is, do I have to allow an extra two weeks of work on top of my "one year" to allow for the weeks i had sick days?
Or are sick days permitted even if unpaid? and ive worked over the number of hours needed in total.
For timeline reasons and my current visa, i am obviously trying to apply asap... so if i don't have to allow those two extra weeks would be incredibly beneficial.
Any advice please, thank you.