decent1984 said:
THanks @canadawecome for the quick response,
We have a situation here, I am a Engineering graduate with a Job in a canadian company and I am already
working for them from India, now My company tried the LMIA route and then gave up after the prolonged
process hence the've told me that they can not help with getting an LMO hence I will have to apply by myself
but once I am in Canada with a PR they have told me that I would be made an employee, thus the bad news
is that I will not be able to get the 600 points even if I though I am having a Canadian job offer. Now My
wife holds a Masters but She is an Iranian in India thus can not work/study hence no points from experience
[even though she is unofficially helping in a Biotech lab]. Any way how to go ahead in this case?
Based on you situation, i feel the best course for you will be as follows:
Option A: Apply under EE FSWP category with you spouse as a PA (since she has higher CRS score of >400 and has Masters), so she may get ON Nomination and proceed with it for an ITA in near future, with you as accompanying spouse.
Option B: Ask your employer to apply for a WP for you and relocate you to Canada as a full-time permanent employee on their rolls. Once there you can apply under EE again post attaining 1 year of Canadian experience under EE CEC Program.
In my opinion Option A should be easier, faster and convenient for you especially if your company is based out of ON (even otherwise it should not be difficult) both as Option B will take time and is dependent on you getting a WP.
Other experts here are welcome to opine!