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Several Photo Questions


Full Member
Jun 13, 2012
Because there are several, I've numbered them.

1) Looking at the Canadian Immigration Information, they want our photos to be loose. I'd planned to print them on a page with information underneath each one, but it sounds like that's not what they want. Should write on the back of them? Number them on the back and provide a photo index sheet with a description that corresponds with each numbered photo?

2) I'm someone who hates being photographed and it wasn't until this year when I looked over the immigration information that I realized we needed photographic proof. We took pictures last visit and will on an upcoming one, but only have maybe three photos from the early part of our relationship. We'll have maybe 12-20 to submit. To increase the number, should we include photos we took of each other on vacations where we aren't together in the photo but the other one took them? My fiance has taken photos a couple times with gifts I sent her in which she looks super happy, are those something we should submit along with information about the photo?

3) Should we send photos taken with each other's families like a photo of her with my dad smiling and being silly that I took but am not actually in?

Thank you!!!


Hero Member
Sep 1, 2012
NOC Code......
internationalvelvet said:
Because there are several, I've numbered them.

1) Looking at the Canadian Immigration Information, they want our photos to be loose. I'd planned to print them on a page with information underneath each one, but it sounds like that's not what they want. Should write on the back of them? Number them on the back and provide a photo index sheet with a description that corresponds with each numbered photo?

2) I'm someone who hates being photographed and it wasn't until this year when I looked over the immigration information that I realized we needed photographic proof. We took pictures last visit and will on an upcoming one, but only have maybe three photos from the early part of our relationship. We'll have maybe 12-20 to submit. To increase the number, should we include photos we took of each other on vacations where we aren't together in the photo but the other one took them? My fiance has taken photos a couple times with gifts I sent her in which she looks super happy, are those something we should submit along with information about the photo?

3) Should we send photos taken with each other's families like a photo of her with my dad smiling and being silly that I took but am not actually in?

Thank you!!!
I sent around 75 pics with the application from engagement,marriage and reception ceremonies.Now New Delhi Embassy requested more pics of after marriage outings of us and family outings photo graphs...I again sent them around 75 pics with both of us together, some single pics and group family pics.

So i suggest you to send them atleast 75-100 pics which should include you both in the pics and also family pics..Dont forget to include your marriage rituals pics.For me being muslim they requested to send pics of me and my sponsor signing pics in front of Qazi(Priest) on the Nikhanama(Marriage Certificate).hope it helps...good luck


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
internationalvelvet said:
1) Looking at the Canadian Immigration Information, they want our photos to be loose. I'd planned to print them on a page with information underneath each one, but it sounds like that's not what they want. Should write on the back of them? Number them on the back and provide a photo index sheet with a description that corresponds with each numbered photo?
Any of these methods will be fine. Many people have printed them on a page with info - this is OK too. When they say 'loose' they mean not in a binder or photo album. Loose on paper is fine.
2) I'm someone who hates being photographed and it wasn't until this year when I looked over the immigration information that I realized we needed photographic proof. We took pictures last visit and will on an upcoming one, but only have maybe three photos from the early part of our relationship. We'll have maybe 12-20 to submit. To increase the number, should we include photos we took of each other on vacations where we aren't together in the photo but the other one took them? My fiance has taken photos a couple times with gifts I sent her in which she looks super happy, are those something we should submit along with information about the photo?
I would not send photos of just one of you on vacation, unless you have a matching photo of the other in exactly the same place and time. For example, one of you in front of some landmark, then one of your partner in front of the same landmark, at obviously the same time.
Photos of one of you with a gift the other has sent are good evidence, but will need to be explained.
3) Should we send photos taken with each other's families like a photo of her with my dad smiling and being silly that I took but am not actually in?
Yes, these are good evidence that each has met the other's family and that the family approves of the marriage. Again, though, the photo will need an explanation. This is why I prefer printing the photos two or four to a page and printing the explanation of the photo right next to it.


VIP Member
Nov 7, 2012
Visa Office......
Seoul, Korea
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Sent with App
Passport Req..
N/R - Exempt
internationalvelvet said:
Because there are several, I've numbered them.

1) Looking at the Canadian Immigration Information, they want our photos to be loose. I'd planned to print them on a page with information underneath each one, but it sounds like that's not what they want. Should write on the back of them? Number them on the back and provide a photo index sheet with a description that corresponds with each numbered photo?
They just say "loose" since they don't want you to send electronic photos (like on a CD).

What I (an most others) did, is to transfer all your photos into a Word document or something, and print them all off with captions underneath saying the date and situation for the picture. But of course you can also include individual pics and just write on the back or a separate paper what they are. Any way is fine.

2) I'm someone who hates being photographed and it wasn't until this year when I looked over the immigration information that I realized we needed photographic proof. We took pictures last visit and will on an upcoming one, but only have maybe three photos from the early part of our relationship. We'll have maybe 12-20 to submit. To increase the number, should we include photos we took of each other on vacations where we aren't together in the photo but the other one took them? My fiance has taken photos a couple times with gifts I sent her in which she looks super happy, are those something we should submit along with information about the photo?
We included around 20-25 pics in our common-law application. I would try to avoid pics where you are not together nor with each others family... but if that's all you have then i guess you don't have a choice. We only included 1 picture for each vacation/event, that had both of us in it. If you went on vacation and had absolutely no photos together, then try to get individual ones taken right after the other with the same scenery in background that prove you were there together.

3) Should we send photos taken with each other's families like a photo of her with my dad smiling and being silly that I took but am not actually in?
YES. Definitely. Picture with each others families are some of the most important, since it shows they are aware of your relationship. Explain clearly how the family member is in each one.