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Self-Employment: what kind of employment records can I show?


Jan 24, 2016
Hey guys,

I have received the ITA for my Express Entry application. At this stage, I am uploading my documents.

There are two things that I need to ask:
1. In the Work History, I listed down at least 3 different self-employed work that I did (and I indicated it clearly by ticking the box 'Self-Employed'). This means I started my own company, and I have a company registration to prove it, a contract for work, invoices, bank account under the name of the company.
I am now being asked to upload my Employment Records in the Document Checklist page. My question is: what kind of document do they need to see for self-employment? The information in the online system only details out the information for the typical employment (contract, pay stub, hours, benefits, etc)

2. In Document Checklist page, they ask for 'Letter of Offer', 'Letter of Employment', and 'Employment Records of the current position'.
What's the difference between these three documents? Especially the last two (Letter of Employment and Employment Records of the current position). They sound very similar. Or.. are they the same?


VIP Member
Jan 29, 2016
ytang said:
Hey guys,

I have received the ITA for my Express Entry application. At this stage, I am uploading my documents.

There are two things that I need to ask:
1. In the Work History, I listed down at least 3 different self-employed work that I did (and I indicated it clearly by ticking the box 'Self-Employed'). This means I started my own company, and I have a company registration to prove it, a contract for work, invoices, bank account under the name of the company.
I am now being asked to upload my Employment Records in the Document Checklist page. My question is: what kind of document do they need to see for self-employment? The information in the online system only details out the information for the typical employment (contract, pay stub, hours, benefits, etc)

2. In Document Checklist page, they ask for 'Letter of Offer', 'Letter of Employment', and 'Employment Records of the current position'.
What's the difference between these three documents? Especially the last two (Letter of Employment and Employment Records of the current position). They sound very similar. Or.. are they the same?
1. If you are or have been self-employed, provide copies of all the following documentation for periods of self-employment, if available:
- Business/company registration documents;
- Proof of business conducted with clients (i.e., invoices, bills, and client references);
- Balance sheets;
- Income tax returns;
- T4A Statements (if self-employed in Canada); AND
- Proof of license to practice if you are a private practitioner in a regulated occupation.

2. Offer Letter is a letter issued by an employer to a prospective employee. This letter basically states the position, duties and responsibilities, the pay along with terms and conditions. An offer letter becomes a valid document only once it is accepted by the prospective employee. At this stage, there is no employer-employee relationship established. Once the offer is accepted, you will be issued an appointment letter/employment contract which officially binds you in an employer-employee relationship. This is issued and executed on your date of joining.

Employment Letter/Reference Letter/Experience Letter referred to by different names based on what is covered in the letter, is a letter which is issued after the establishment of an employer-employee relationship. This is issued either on request or when you resign from your role at the organisation.

Employment Records generally refers to supporting documents like pay stubs, hike letters, appraisal/promotion letters etc.


May 27, 2014
Hi, I need assistance from you. I am applying in express entry and I have work experience from March 2016 to July 2016 as self employed but in the same field as I did my degree. From July 2016 I have a full time permanent job. All this work experience is in canada. My employer for my self employed job from March 2016 to July 2016 is giving me letter that i worked full time with 37 hours per week. Would my experience from March 2016 to july 2016 count towards my Express entry file which I am planning to Submit in March ? Please advice.