bluebox said:
you should have at least CN$ 10000 for the principal applicant and CN$ 2000 for each accompanying family member. you should show proof that you have the amount such as bank statement and / or bank certificate.
can you guid me about the bank statement for sinp
according to their guidlien they mentioned that one should have 12000$ as sttelement fund and statement should show last 3 months transaction.
my concern is that, is it neccessery that one should have 12000$ in balance through out that period .is that mean balance should not reduced than 12000$. because in my bank statement money going in and coming out ,but there is not a big transaction,it just fluctuate by1000$.e.g balance increased over to 12000 for two three days, than due to a transaction it came down for two three days,but mostly it reamain around the requirment.
morover my wife have around 4000$ in her account but she deposit 40 dyas before,would that be considerd as an adition to my funds can come from principla aplicant or spouse.
please share your experience