This thread is only for those whose NOC is 2174 and EOI submitted for SINP.
Let's share our experience and thoughts.
2174 is Open since April 2019 and it requires CIPS license.
Will it remain open for a long time or will be taken out soon?
How can we know that how many applicants are required for each NOC like 2174 for the current year?
June 7, 2019, Cut off score = 75 (Will this come below to 65?)
Please comment.
This thread is only for those whose NOC is 2174 and EOI submitted for SINP.
Let's share our experience and thoughts.
2174 is Open since April 2019 and it requires CIPS license.
Will it remain open for a long time or will be taken out soon?
How can we know that how many applicants are required for each NOC like 2174 for the current year?
June 7, 2019, Cut off score = 75 (Will this come below to 65?)
Please comment.