I have received a RQ yesterday dated July 17th, so it took 11 days for this envelope to arrive from Sydney to Thornhill. They gave me only 45 calendar days to complete RQ / get docs ready, which is not really realistic, but I will try my best.
We suspect that we have received RQ because of 5 vacations trips we took in past 4 years but all of us got more than 1095 days of residency. Also no ECAS update for getting RQ, just received line disappeared a week ago.
I have a couple of questions about that RQ doc:
1. It costs a lot of money to get bank/credit card statements from my bank and as they wrote in RQ that I need to provide "Bank/Credit card statements" symbol "/" means "OR" at least to me, so can I get just credit card statements which are easier and cheaper to get in my case and just send those to them?
2. Should I really notarize copies of , let's say, kids birth certificates - those are in English from Toronto, or sending them just a photocopy should be enough?
Kindly advise.
I have received a RQ yesterday dated July 17th, so it took 11 days for this envelope to arrive from Sydney to Thornhill. They gave me only 45 calendar days to complete RQ / get docs ready, which is not really realistic, but I will try my best.
We suspect that we have received RQ because of 5 vacations trips we took in past 4 years but all of us got more than 1095 days of residency. Also no ECAS update for getting RQ, just received line disappeared a week ago.
I have a couple of questions about that RQ doc:
1. It costs a lot of money to get bank/credit card statements from my bank and as they wrote in RQ that I need to provide "Bank/Credit card statements" symbol "/" means "OR" at least to me, so can I get just credit card statements which are easier and cheaper to get in my case and just send those to them?
2. Should I really notarize copies of , let's say, kids birth certificates - those are in English from Toronto, or sending them just a photocopy should be enough?
Kindly advise.