I am a bad luck person who tried to extend my study permit 2 months before and my application had not been submit to CIC since my payment from VISA did not go through. Now both my study permit and entry VISA are expried for a week.
I tried to restore my status and find I will have to wait for 16 weeks for a decision from CIC and I can not eithre study or work meanwhile. So I visit my local MP and he provide me an alterntive that I could try to apply for a new study permit from my country. in that way, I can do some of my study or partcipate in some work, and the process time there is only 6-8 weeks.. However, my friends told me it is risker to get reject if I apply for a new studyp permit outside Canada and I will have to wait for 180 days before submit the application of new study permit in my country.
So, basicly, that is my situation. Any could someone who saw my post share some of your knowledge with me. Where can I find the guide about apply for new study permit outside Canada? And is there any risk for me to be rejected from my application.
Thank you.
I am a bad luck person who tried to extend my study permit 2 months before and my application had not been submit to CIC since my payment from VISA did not go through. Now both my study permit and entry VISA are expried for a week.
I tried to restore my status and find I will have to wait for 16 weeks for a decision from CIC and I can not eithre study or work meanwhile. So I visit my local MP and he provide me an alterntive that I could try to apply for a new study permit from my country. in that way, I can do some of my study or partcipate in some work, and the process time there is only 6-8 weeks.. However, my friends told me it is risker to get reject if I apply for a new studyp permit outside Canada and I will have to wait for 180 days before submit the application of new study permit in my country.
So, basicly, that is my situation. Any could someone who saw my post share some of your knowledge with me. Where can I find the guide about apply for new study permit outside Canada? And is there any risk for me to be rejected from my application.
Thank you.