Kindly advise on below to evaluate my points.
- Age 29 yrs
- Education - Graduation in Bachelor of Technology specialized in Computer science engineering (pass-out 2007).
- Work Experience total six years from Oct 2008 till current ( Four years Technical Support Advisor and Two years Technical Manager).
- IELTS Score (Listening -7, Reading - 6.5 , Speaking - 6.5 and Writing - 6 Total score - 6.5 )
I am applying with spouse and son( New born baby) ,so how much points I achieve with above,
As my wife cannot write IELTS exam until few days, Am I eligible still to apply without her IELTS and WES attestation.
Appreciate your kind response.
Best Regards,
Kindly advise on below to evaluate my points.
- Age 29 yrs
- Education - Graduation in Bachelor of Technology specialized in Computer science engineering (pass-out 2007).
- Work Experience total six years from Oct 2008 till current ( Four years Technical Support Advisor and Two years Technical Manager).
- IELTS Score (Listening -7, Reading - 6.5 , Speaking - 6.5 and Writing - 6 Total score - 6.5 )
I am applying with spouse and son( New born baby) ,so how much points I achieve with above,
As my wife cannot write IELTS exam until few days, Am I eligible still to apply without her IELTS and WES attestation.
Appreciate your kind response.
Best Regards,