Quick Question : Family class sponsorship, Conjugal Partner (so we are not married). Philippines
I received this on CIC Website
"Additional Family Information form ("IMM5406) bearing original signatures IMM5406 - Please complete Section B CHILDREN (Include ALL songs and daughter, including ALL adopted and step children regardless of age or place of residence".
The Principle applicant has 1 son, 16 years old. He is listed on the current submitted 5406. I (the sponsor) have a daughter who is 11 from a previous marriage, born and raised in Canada. The daughter is NOT related in any way the PA. She is NOT het son, daughter, or step child.
The submitted form Lists PA, Myself (sponsor) as a "Conjugual Partner", and PA's mother and father. Section B as mentioned lists her Son. Section C has a long list of brothers, sisters, and half brothers and sisters (Additional page was supplied). Both the 5406 and Additional page are signed and dated by PA Only.
I am not sure what is missing? Are they suggesting that the PA's son needs to provide a signature as well. Are they requesting me to provide details of my daughter to be listed in section B? Can such questions as these be answered by emailing manilimmigration@international.gc.ca ?
I received this on CIC Website
"Additional Family Information form ("IMM5406) bearing original signatures IMM5406 - Please complete Section B CHILDREN (Include ALL songs and daughter, including ALL adopted and step children regardless of age or place of residence".
The Principle applicant has 1 son, 16 years old. He is listed on the current submitted 5406. I (the sponsor) have a daughter who is 11 from a previous marriage, born and raised in Canada. The daughter is NOT related in any way the PA. She is NOT het son, daughter, or step child.
The submitted form Lists PA, Myself (sponsor) as a "Conjugual Partner", and PA's mother and father. Section B as mentioned lists her Son. Section C has a long list of brothers, sisters, and half brothers and sisters (Additional page was supplied). Both the 5406 and Additional page are signed and dated by PA Only.
I am not sure what is missing? Are they suggesting that the PA's son needs to provide a signature as well. Are they requesting me to provide details of my daughter to be listed in section B? Can such questions as these be answered by emailing manilimmigration@international.gc.ca ?