Looking for advice. My in-laws hold a multiple entry visa good till 2017. They are destroying my family I have to work 3 jobs to keep up with the
expenses of supporting everybody. Wife is pretty well at the point of leaving me. They are leaving to go back to the old country within
a few weeks however are planning to come back. Is there a way to prevent them from coming back? I desperately want to save my
family but with them here I do not believe it is possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Looking for advice. My in-laws hold a multiple entry visa good till 2017. They are destroying my family I have to work 3 jobs to keep up with the
expenses of supporting everybody. Wife is pretty well at the point of leaving me. They are leaving to go back to the old country within
a few weeks however are planning to come back. Is there a way to prevent them from coming back? I desperately want to save my
family but with them here I do not believe it is possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!