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Realized a discrepancy in Father's name after submission. need help!!


Aug 3, 2016
Hi Guys,
I have just realized a similar situation for me but my problem is that I submitted my application already (more than three months ago) I noticed the document that I uploaded showing proof of sibling relation has one letter missing in my Father's name (an A in the end) in my brothers passport. the name on our birth certificates has a third spelling (not on either of our passports) but they match but his birth certificate does not have the last name for our father.
My question is that is there any way for me to submit this Affidavit now after the fact that the application has been submitted more than 3 months ago. and secondly does it even make sense to do so since the application already passed the initial checks and is now on the eligibility review step. If they notice the discrepancy does that mean an automatic rejection or will they ask for more supporting documents?

Thanks for all your help.