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Hero Member
Feb 22, 2012
Job Offer........
September 2012
lenti said:
Hello Everybody,
First of all, i'm new here. I have a question about an e-mail i have recived in november last year. I just copy/past it here. I want to know if anybody recive a similar e-mail and what is the next step.

Objet : Votre «Demande de Certificat de Sélection du Québec»


Nous avons pris connaissance de votre projet d'établissement permanent au Québec et vous en remercions.
Nous tenons à vous informer que votre dossier est en attente d'une décision. Nous communiquerons de nouveau avec vous lorsqu'une décision sera arrêtée.
Nous tenons à vous souligner que la teneur de nos dossiers étant strictement confidentielle, nous ne donnons aucun renseignement par téléphone concernant des demandes d'immigration.
Nous vous prions de recevoir, Madame, l'assurance de nos meilleurs sentiments.

I hope is there someone who have the same e-mail. Somebody told me that is about CSQ without interview.

Thx again :)
I just did an online translation of your pasted post, below is the translation;


We acquainted ourselves with your plan of permanent establishment in the Quebec and thank you for it.
We want to inform you that your file waits for a decision. We will communicate once again with you when a decision will be made.
We want to underline you that the content of our files being strictly confidential, we give no information by telephone concerning of requests of immigration.
Sincerely Yours"

It doesn't sound like CSQ without interview, but I guess a second opinion by someone who has received a similar mail in the past or someone with a better understanding of French might help to explain better.
