My Wife and myself received an Email from CIC requesting an interview. Included in her Email but not mine, was a PDF file for "Consent for an assess to Information request" from reading it it seems to say that if she wants someone other than herself to have acsess to her information "ie" myself or other family members. But I'm not sure if this means that CIC wants her to fill it out so they can have assess, witch I thought they already had. This IMM form 5744E
Thank for any help on this.
My Wife and myself received an Email from CIC requesting an interview. Included in her Email but not mine, was a PDF file for "Consent for an assess to Information request" from reading it it seems to say that if she wants someone other than herself to have acsess to her information "ie" myself or other family members. But I'm not sure if this means that CIC wants her to fill it out so they can have assess, witch I thought they already had. This IMM form 5744E
Thank for any help on this.