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Racist government in Canada!!!!


Mar 3, 2013
When it comes to issuing visa to other than Europeans the visa office makes you go through dozens of hoops only to refuse your application for a fabricated reason. I'm hundred percent certain that foreign office has instructed their staff not to issue visas to certain nationals but they don't publicly admit it. This is hypocracy and racism at its worse. I'm a Canadian citizen for well over two decades but never treated as one when it comes to issues that matter. My kids can not invite their grand parents to visit with them as the kids who are white or with European parents.
This changes completely my perspective of Canada and its so called democracy. Shame on those in power and those who allow this to go on....


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Racism was always present in Canada sadly the severity has increased over the years across the board with respect to immigration, jobs, healthcare, citizenship, social services, racial profiling by police etc. Now the main question is how rapidly can we adapt to this change and accept it as the social norm. If you want o fight racism in Canada, its not easy, one have to go through the thick bureaucratic red tape run by old boys club. Have a look at both edges of the Canadian flag and you'll know what I mean


Dec 24, 2012
The fact is that they are open about it. People from US, UK, Australia and many other nations don't even require a visa to enter the country!!
I don't know whether this can also be called racism! But is a fact.
The same policy is adopted by many Middle East Nations except Saudi Arabia!


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
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JosephEthan said:
The fact is that they are open about it. People from US, UK, Australia and many other nations don't even require a visa to enter the country!!
I don't know whether this can also be called racism! But is a fact.
The same policy is adopted by many Middle East Nations except Saudi Arabia!
This I can understand because if you are a citizen of any of the above countries you are part of an elite club regardless of skin color and social status are able to travel freely. But the reason Canada requires visas from other countries prior to arrival is because people come here on a visit visa and just decide to stay and work. This has happened far too often and is obviously not right. Therefore in order to protect its work force, social services, population, national security, national statistics its important to have some regulation. It is fair to say Canada's generosity has been abused in the past.


Mar 3, 2013
newtone said:
This I can understand because if you are a citizen of any of the above countries you are part of an elite club regardless of skin color and social status are able to travel freely. But the reason Canada requires visas from other countries prior to arrival is because people come here on a visit visa and just decide to stay and work. This has happened far too often and is obviously not right. Therefore in order to protect its work force, social services, population, national security, national statistics its important to have some regulation. It is fair to say Canada's generosity has been abused in the past.
I am mindful of the fact that some people abuse the system but you can't paint everyone with same brush. This is clearly generalization. As you said, if you belong to European Union you don't even need visa. I could live with that.
What bothers me the most is:
My kids were all born and raised here, time and time again they bring up this question as to why they can't get their grand parents to come over for visit.
And we, by no means, rely on any kind of Gov. support at all. I employ more than 7 people myself and pay tons and tons of tax.
I need to have a good answer for my kids...at this point i don't want to tell them that we are dealing with race issue...not yet but maybe soon!!!


Mar 3, 2013
Anything that we can do about this? Do you know if this decision can be appealed....


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
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You could appeal it but there is no guarantee it will pass


Star Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Hi , i know its sad. I invited a Nepalese friend last year to come on a visit, TRV and he got refused. I agree with some of the reasons of the refusal however i just received the GCMS of his file and guess what it says on his file from the VO( I am not satisfied that PA is sufficiently established in Nepal, WHERE CURRENT SOCIO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ARE DIFFICULT, to depart Canada at the end of authorized stay).

Does this mean that any body that lives in a poorer country will be denied just because he was unlucky to be born in a poor country? BOTTOM LINE you are almost treated like a criminal , you are punished. That is not fair . People should be treated on a case by case basis not because of their citizenship. And thats called DISCRIMINATION. I totally disagree with Canada in that matter.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
I lived in America for 7 years getting my PhD at an Ivy League university. I was always known among my friends in the States as a proud Canadian and one who generally defended Canadian ideals such as health care and so on. In the end I got a job offer in Canada and was thrilled and proud to move back to the country of my birth.

But I made one mistake: I married a Pakistani.

Now, a year after filing our spousal sponsorship application, I am beginning to feel that the Canadian government does not want to welcome my wife into Canada, and all of my idealism about coming back to Canada is going down the drain. Although we have done much better than a lot of people on this forum, we have been continually disturbed, depressed and frightened by the long waiting times, the nightmarish complications, and especially the impossibility of getting solid advice from anyone, whether lawyers, employers, or the people at CIC itself.

There are so many reasons why my wife is precisely the sort of person who shouldn't be subjected to this stress. For instance:

- she is the wife of a Canadian citizen, born in Canada, and married entirely legally
- she has a Masters degree from an Ivy League university, easily one of the best schools in the world
- she speaks impeccable English, better than many native English speakers
- she is also taking classes in French
- she is the daughter-in-law of the owners of a Canadian business that has been in operation for more than 30 years, and which is worth at least a few million dollars
- she is a member of a minority which is persecuted in Pakistan; her grandfather was murdered by the Taliban during a suicide bombing several years ago

Why, then, is she facing all of these problems?

I've given it as much thought as I can. First of all, it seems to me that the immigration system is simply broken to a large extent (like the myCIC website, which is definitely broken). The system is incredibly complicated, and no one has the answers. Why is it so terrible? It may be incompetence on the part of the government, or an obsession with downsizing everything including the immigration system, or it may, instead of or in addition to these things, be linked to a desire to stop the influx of immigrants from certain "have-not" countries, including most of Asia and Africa. There is no doubt that there are unscrupulous people out there gaming the system to get in. But what the government is doing—well, doesn't it amount to collective punishment?

The question is, how long are we going to stand for this, and how can we, especially those of us who are Canadians, express our disgust with the government's handling of immigration matters? There are so many of us, it seems; surely we could produce some change? I want to feel proud of being a Canadian again!


Star Member
Jan 6, 2013
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I totally agree with you but what can we do ? Some Canadians accuse Harper's government , i dont necessarily agree with this statement. Well ! good luck to u all and if any of u have suggestions on how we can change the procedures or better eliminate discrimination , please let me know.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
Well, honestly I don't know whether it's because of the Tories or not because when the Liberals were in power I didn't pay much attention to immigration issues. All I can say is that over the past decade immigration has become much more difficult, ridiculously so. From what my parents tell me, it was once more personal. For example my wife is having to restore her status as a visitor, which involves paperwork that no one seems to fully understand, and a lengthy waiting period. Once upon a time, when my aunt has to have her visitor status restored, she just walked into a visa office and explained her situation, and they restored it. How times have changed.

It is not necessarily premeditated racism stemming from individuals; it is quite possible that the system is institutionally racist without the people involved necessarily being racist. The fact remains that Canadians who want to sponsor their spouses or other relatives, or invite their friends, and so on, are being subjected to great stress. To be, actually or potentially kept away from your wife for upwards of 2 years, and to have your life put on hold (starting a family, finding a house, etc.) because of the CIC is not pleasant.

It's not really a partisan thing. Many new Canadians voted for the Conservatives. Personally I didn't, and I wonder whether new Canadians who did vote for Harper are now happy with their choice. But even if sympathizes with the Tories, yet agrees that the immigration system is messed up, then by giving the government constructive criticism we can only help them and ourselves, surely.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2012
Visa Office......
New Delhi ( Parents Sponsorship )
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
ouihel01 said:
Hi , i know its sad. I invited a Nepalese friend last year to come on a visit, TRV and he got refused. I agree with some of the reasons of the refusal however i just received the GCMS of his file and guess what it says on his file from the VO( I am not satisfied that PA is sufficiently established in Nepal, WHERE CURRENT SOCIO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ARE DIFFICULT, to depart Canada at the end of authorized stay).

Does this mean that any body that lives in a poorer country will be denied just because he was unlucky to be born in a poor country? BOTTOM LINE you are almost treated like a criminal , you are punished. That is not fair . People should be treated on a case by case basis not because of their citizenship. And thats called DISCRIMINATION. I totally disagree with Canada in that matter.
Well, isnt that obvious - we see it everywhere, some lives are more valuable than others as they are from "3rd world" .See how law is dealt with around the world and YES its the same as a kid being born to a rich famly vs poor family. Yes, life is not fair and in many aspects and examples - immigration is just one of them


Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
Not meaning to start an argument on this thread, but I don't see how your problems with immigration amount to a racist government. The decision whether or not to admit an individual applicant relies solely on an individual Immigration Officer reviewing their case. Are some of those officers racist? Perhaps, but more likely some of them are just too swamped and rushed to make a decision and therefore make bad ones.

In my case, my wife is from the Philippines, a Third World country whose citizens have quite a history of abusing the Canadian immigration system and working illegally in Canada. Plus we had only been married a few months when she applied. Because of this, we worried that her application might be rejected. But it sailed through after only 4 weeks of processing.

I live in Vancouver, where Asians make up 52% of the population and whites are a minority. I have many friends that recently immigrated to Canada and almost all are from developing countries. The only one of my friends who was rejected was a white Scottish man. So how did the population here get to be 52% Asian if only white people are getting into Canada.

I feel really bad about the OP's wife. That just isn't right and obviously the officer on her case is clueless, nd perhaps racist also. But that doesn't make the whole government racist.


Star Member
Apr 16, 2011
hello folks,

I m planning to apply visitor visa for my parents. My parents dont need Super Visa. all they want is to visit canada for 3 weeks and return back. I am thinking wither multi entry or single entry. Is there any way multi entry would be tough to get compared to single entry. can anyone share any idea?


Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
Visa Office......
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Hi Vanwilder, I have gotten visitor visas for my wife's parents and sister before. It shouldn't make any difference if you apply for single or multiple entry. If the immigration officer decides your parents are admissible to Canada as visitors, then they are admissible. If not, he/she won't grant the visa. There is no reason the officer would say your parents are admissible, but only once.

I say go for the multiple entry visa. It's only a bit more money, and then your parents can go to Canada for up to 6 months at a time (a year with a visa extension), as many times as they want until their passports expire.