What timezone FIA report is in?
I have both CBP(US) and CBSA(Canada) reports.
Canada reports clearly states timezone is in PT. But US reports doesn't say anything. I assumed it will show the time zone of Border crossing Port.
But then I see same entry in CBP report and CBSA report with difference of exactly 3 hours, so i assume FIOA may have report in EST.
But the i see another entry in both reports which have differnce of 0 minutes meaning they are in same time zone.
Now i am lost , how to interpret these reports.
I have both CBP(US) and CBSA(Canada) reports.
Canada reports clearly states timezone is in PT. But US reports doesn't say anything. I assumed it will show the time zone of Border crossing Port.
But then I see same entry in CBP report and CBSA report with difference of exactly 3 hours, so i assume FIOA may have report in EST.
But the i see another entry in both reports which have differnce of 0 minutes meaning they are in same time zone.
Now i am lost , how to interpret these reports.