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Question regarding CRS Score Distribution in Express Entry Pool


Jun 6, 2019
Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the distribution IRCC published on their website for each round. Do the numbers of people in the pool include candidates' dependents or no?

Because if they do, looking at the status on April 12 below, there were only 2,200-ish candidates in the pool with scores above 450. Assuming the distribution didn't change much during the following week. With a draw of 3,350 candidates, shouldn't the cut-off be much lower than 450 at least? However the cut-off of #115 draw on April 17 was 451.

Therefore, my speculation is that dependents are not included in the publicized distribution. i.e. The size of the pool shows the number of EE profiles, not the number of people (both primary candidates and their dependents if any). On the other hand the 3,350 quota is distributed based on number of people , not on number of EE profiles.

I'm hoping someone with more insight could shed some light on this. Thanks!

CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of April 12, 2019
CRS score range Number of candidates
451-600 1,903
401-450 34,909
441-450 4,410
431-440 9,539
421-430 6,586
411-420 6,861
401-410 7,513
351-400 40,168
391-400 7,241
381-390 8,422
371-380 8,306
361-370 8,361
351-360 7,838
301-350 23,116
0-300 3,471
Total 103,840