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question regardig U.S visit Visa for an interview at Buffalo


Nov 2, 2008
Hi everyone,

i have been recently called for an interview at Buffalo in regards to P.R card. However, the problem that i am facing at the moment is that i need a visit visa to go to U.S. Lets suppose, if i come across a strict officer at the U.S embassy and reject my application for a visit visa. Please answer the following questions.

Do u think making the buffalo office aware about the situation help?
Do u think, would there be an alternative to this situation from the Buffalo office?
Has anyone been through the same issue?

You response to this question will b highly appreciated.



VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

aziza said:
Hi everyone,

i have been recently called for an interview at Buffalo in regards to P.R card. However, the problem that i am facing at the moment is that i need a visit visa to go to U.S. Lets suppose, if i come across a strict officer at the U.S embassy and reject my application for a visit visa. Please answer the following questions.

Do u think making the buffalo office aware about the situation help?
Do u think, would there be an alternative to this situation from the Buffalo office?
Has anyone been through the same issue?

You response to this question will b highly appreciated.

If you don't attend the interview, Buffalo will base their decision on the information on had, which in most cases results in a refusal



Nov 2, 2008
Hi again,

Thanks for your quick response. However, the response was kind of negative LOL. How sure are you? that this will happen as a result?Being a super hero of this forum, have you been through the same? I am not trying to console myself but i am just digging further, don't u think, they will ask me for a reason or ask me to provide them with proof or evidence based on which they have called me for an interview. I would love to attend the interview but what if the U.S embassy rejects my request for a visit visa?

Please write me back, this has really raised my curiosity level.

I am really counting on you as a super hero of ths forum.

Thanks once again


Star Member
Jun 17, 2008

Reading your post makes me curious, where is you application based? I supposed US and how come you are not in US.
Why do you need to apply for a visa in going to US if your application was filed in US.



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Apply for the visit visa, if refused, fax Buffalo and ask them to postpone your interview until you can manage to get the visit visa. I don't have experience with this but it might work.


Oct 28, 2008
amoroso said:

Reading your post makes me curious, where is you application based? I supposed US and how come you are not in US.
Why do you need to apply for a visa in going to US if your application was filed in US.

I would ask the same questions as Amoroso.. Were you originally in the US and them moved? I am not an expert but I would recommend trying to apply for the US visa and if denied ask Buffalo office to transfer your case to an office you can visit with no restrictions...(not sure if this is possible)


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
I did ask a similar question to CIC about somebody not being able to go to Buffalo for interview for medical reasons and they did not offer as an option to move the interview, they said they would have to deal with Buffalo and ask to postpone it. If Buffalo agreed to move it, maybe it could be done but I have not heard of such a case.


Nov 2, 2008
Hi everyone,

I am currently resided in Canada with a foriegn worker status. FYI all foriegn worker must apply abroad inorder to get a P.R card. So,that's why i need a visit visa to attend the interview.

Thank you all.


Oct 28, 2008
Since you are already in Canada, I would suggest going to the American Consulate in Canada.. not sure where...Just make sure that you are well prepared with enough documentation..
-passport with work visa
-bank statement
-employement letter/pay stubs
-proof of your residence in Canada.. assets
-documentation from the Buffalo Office..ask them for a letter showing need for the visitors visa
Also you can research more info on the website below

All in all just be ready to explain and defend why you are going to Buffalo and also evidence that you will go back to Canada once you are done with your business... Get all the evidence you can.. it can only help
-Take it easy.. they might not be a brutal as they are at their embassies in 3rd world countries..


Keep us posted Aziza I made the same question myself if i get a work permit in Canada and they ask for an interview in Buffalo how to go back to US? keep focus and be positive. good luck!


Nov 2, 2008
Hi Banton,

Thank you for providing me with the indepth information. This was really helpful.
It's not that i do not have a positive hope but i was just concerned or perhaps was trying to come up with plan "B". So thats why i was wondering if my visit visa is denied what would i do? and by the way, as far as americans official at consulate are concerned, dude they are terrible man. Here is a story
" A friend of mine came to canada from U.S and was about to get his Designation as CPA, he wrote his four exams and did oustanding and he was about to write his fifth and last exam to get his designation, just because he could not stay in U.S, he got transfer to another branch of that company in canada, so he came here and he had every proof that he has been working in one of the greatest companies as an IT auditor in canada and making a decent salary but regardless of all his efforts his visa was rejected." He was on a legal status for the time while he was resided in U.S with no criminal record. So, my point is, it is not easy to predict about them. But if anyone reads this, please help me out in finding an alterative to my case.



Full Member
Feb 2, 2008
Sometimes bad luck could happen. Do not consider one example as a policy of US consulates. I know my Pakistani friends who got US visit visas without any big problem.
Try to be honest and confident. I hope you will get the visa.


Oct 28, 2008
I exactly know what you are talking about. I am from a Africa and exactly know how they treat guyz. In which other country do you hear immigrants referred to as Legal/Illegal Aliens..LOL.. This tells alot about their culture and arrogance..
At best, the Consulate officers are 99% subjective and 1%objective in their assessments to grant visas. Depending on how they wake up in the morning/their current moods/how you look to them etc they will either grant you/deny you a visa..
But dont let this intimidate you. If they deny you entry please be persistent and dont be afraid to ask them for the specific reason as to why you were denied and a guidance on how you can fulfil it. I know many people who have gone to the embassy every year for 7yrs and finally got their visa...

As for plan B, just talk to your contact at the Buffalo office for an alternative. I am sure they are understanding and already know what you will be facing.


Nov 2, 2008
Ohh here you are!!!

where were you hidding? can you please tell me a little more about your pakistani friends. Were they also resided in canada and called for an interview at Bufflo location and got U.S visit visa without any problem? Can you please ask your friends how strict or easy were the officials at U.S embassy?

Please reply me back and if u can't, can you please post me one of your friends that has gone through this process, msn id.

Thanks a million


Nov 2, 2008
Hey Banton,

Thanks once again, lets see what will be the outcome of this process. I think i should ust hope for the best. I guess its a luck based situation. LOL

Anyways thank you all and i would love to see any other alternatives in regards to my case.
