Please update me asap on following doubts,
1. Best college in Toronto for PG in Business related and Marketing course?
2. What is the hours of class( at what time starts and ends), number of class days per week in seneca, centennial and GBC? -----Need to know whether I can work max of 20hrs/week while doing pg full-time. That's it.
3. I am almost fed up with Technical courses, can anyone suggest me a pg course I can choose ( I am a graduate in electronics and communication), should be a course with good percentage of job opportunity.
4. My abroad agency told me that, my visa will get reject I apply for hospital management and unrelated courses, ie, courses which have no connection with my graduate course. is that true?
Please update me asap on following doubts,
1. Best college in Toronto for PG in Business related and Marketing course?
2. What is the hours of class( at what time starts and ends), number of class days per week in seneca, centennial and GBC? -----Need to know whether I can work max of 20hrs/week while doing pg full-time. That's it.
3. I am almost fed up with Technical courses, can anyone suggest me a pg course I can choose ( I am a graduate in electronics and communication), should be a course with good percentage of job opportunity.
4. My abroad agency told me that, my visa will get reject I apply for hospital management and unrelated courses, ie, courses which have no connection with my graduate course. is that true?