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Query in Documents related to showing funds

Jun 5, 2010
Please anybody help me for proof of funds. If i have 14000 Candian dollar in my account, what sort of documents i need show. is the money should be too old or how i cna show that just to give bank statments for the past 1 year or so??? and the bank certificate stating this much money is there in the account as of this day?? Please advise



VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
Job Offer........
Hi Saleena,

You just need to show the bank statement. If you have this money in your account from long time list 3 months 6 months or more then its better to show a statement for that but if you have just deposited the money into the account a month ago then just show the current balance certificate from the bank. The money needs to be your own. CIC does not have any sepecific requirement about the bank statement but if the money is deposited just few weeks ago then visa officer will have doubt so just show current balance certificate in that case and make sure you keep the money in your account until you get get visa because visa officer can ask you for the statement again at medical time.
