gururaj026 said:
Hi all, I'm planning to do M.Eng or MAsC course in mechanical or Industrial or Mechatronics engineering. Pls suggest me a province in Canada where it will be easy to get part time jobs during my studies and PR after my studies. Based on that I've to select the university. I looked up University of Saskatchewan, U of Regina, U of Alberta , these have low tuition fee and will they satisfy my need in part time jobs & PR aspects?
I am also preparing to apply for mechanical engineering masters in materials engg.
Let me share the reply i got for a similar question i had posted elsewhere on Reddit.
Alberta has the best jobs since it is the hub of all the petroleum industries, mechanical engineers are in-demand.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan is also good but Alberta is a little ahead with jobs
Regina, Saskatchewan does not have a strong presence of oil industries but it has agriculture based processing and manufacturing plants.
I am talking about full-time jobs after graduation, if you are looking at part time jobs during the course then you cannot look at mechanical companies to hire you part time. When it comes to part-time jobs you have to look at restaurants, waiters and any big city will have lot of restaurants to get u jobs.. Well Again UoAlberta is in Edmonton a major city the population is good, saskatoon and regina also have good part-time jobs..
The final question the PR, saskatchewan grants you PR in a short period, according to their Provincial nomination rules you are eligible for PR if u have lived in sask for 6 months.
The conclusion:On a bigger picture of bringing everything together, i would suggest you to keep Alberta as the first preference, i might also suggest you look into Univ of Manitoba, Sask and regina can be a good backup. Alberta is the place to be as mechanical engineers i have heard this from many. Though alberta is badly hit by plummeting oil prices, it will always bounce back by the time you graduate. There is a risk but its the most happening place!