PF is liquid fund and can be proof of fundsainimanjeet79 said:Will my provident fund receipt work as a proof of fund
Dear Saini Saab,sainimanjeet79 said:Will my provident fund receipt work as a proof of fund
Do not take risk...sainimanjeet79 said:Will my provident fund receipt work as a proof of fund
meena said:Hi,
What do u mena by pf slip.
Is this the PF that u have already recvd from your Company or it is just the statement showing the POF Amount which wud be recvd by you after u resign from the Company.
Plz guide.
sainimanjeet79 said:hello singh saab
Actuaaly I have my pf receipt which shows deposit of 1lac & one fd of 6.80 lac total i have to show 7.80 lac . My pf deduceted upto 31st march 2009 is rs 1lac which shows in my pf slip but in also in current period (1-4-9 to 31-3-10) pf also deducetd as i am in the same company hence the toal pf will be around 1+35000=1.35lac but i have not received the pf receipt for the current period because the pf department issue it after 5-6 month from the end of financial year so i will get it upto sept 2010.
My question is this if i show the pf receipt of 1 lac which i have received upto 31.3.09 will they ask me question for uptodate receipt becasue may they have a doubt in their mind that i may be withdrawn thios pf amount .
Or shall i deposit the copy of provident fund return of 31st march 2010 which shows that still i am working in the same company and the pf amunt has also dedcuted for the year 2009-10 also.
yeah u can go for this, but see as i had already told i am not sure whether PF is acceptable. Moreover Account had posted that it is not accepted. BUt still you must send this, for other benefits
yeah thats my point by benefits of PF slip.sainimanjeet79 said:yes i will arrange for rest of money instead of taking risk on behalf of pf slip . But i will submit it also because it shows that i am working in the company because it is government document which can reduce the chances of enquiry
Hi,sainimanjeet79 said:Will my provident fund receipt work as a proof of fund
No sir it wont work. One of my friend has sent the PF statement as the POF but CIC has rejected her case. The rejection is that u r not having enough liquid money.. So my suggestion is that if u have left the organization, withdraw the PF and put the money in bank account, and if ur still working in the same organization, arrange liquid money, put into ur saving account and sho as POF.sainimanjeet79 said:Will my provident fund receipt work as a proof of fund