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Prove your intention to live outside Quebec for express entry


Mar 4, 2016
Hello everyone

I received an invitation to apply for PR through express entry (Federal Skilled Worker Program). I am currently living with my wife in Quebec, but we would like to move out since non of us speak French! Also, I have higher chances to get a job outside Quebec!

The problem is that my wife has recently received an admission from Polytechnique Montreal (Masters) and I am not sure if applying for her study permit is a wise thing to do right now ! I understand that for express entry I need to indicate my intention to live outside Quebec which is actually the case for us. However, I am not sure my wife applying and having a study permit for 2 years in Quebec would hurt the "intention to live outside Quebec"! Your opinion are highly appreciated!



Hero Member
May 20, 2013
Job Offer........
I think you should sort out your priorities. If you want to immigrate via FSW, then you have to abide to its rules. You may stay in Quebec and show your intentions to leave if accepted, but applying for a CAQ and study permit to srudy in Quebec is the opposite of that. If you want for your wife to continue studies, then you should wait until she finishes at least half the time needed for graduation, and reapply. Can she defer her acceptance to the master's program for a a semester or a year? If so, I would recommend taking countable measures to really show your intent to leave Quebec like job hunting.