Hi All
Please advise if I have to upload each and every payslip, Form 16, IT Return for each month and year of my last 10 year employment.
I am trying to gather each payslip and IT return of the last 10 years but there may be a case where I may not have all payslips and IT return for a particular employer.
How much is sufficient in case of each of these documents.
Is Form 16 in itself a complete proof of income for uploading purpose ?
Thanks in advance
Please advise if I have to upload each and every payslip, Form 16, IT Return for each month and year of my last 10 year employment.
I am trying to gather each payslip and IT return of the last 10 years but there may be a case where I may not have all payslips and IT return for a particular employer.
How much is sufficient in case of each of these documents.
Is Form 16 in itself a complete proof of income for uploading purpose ?
Thanks in advance