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proof of funds questions confusion regarding all bank accounts and loans


Jan 22, 2024
San Francisco
I recently received my ITA and am finishing up my application except for the proof of funds part. For me, the description is very confusing between the IRCC (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/documents/proof-funds.html) website and requirement in the EE application. I reviewed some similar concerns in this forum and online and received contradictory answers.

My current situation is I have enough liquidity in reserve to be considerably above the minimum fund required, but it is spreading across 3 bank accounts. I have a mortgage and credit card tied to 1 bank account, but this account does not have enough funds in avg 6 month's balance alone. The main fund comes from another bank account, which is also the account receiving my paycheck. All banks are able to provide the proof of funds letter required per IRCC website EXCEPT for the outstanding debts part. All banks I talked about mentioned they do not have such a format and only can provide credit card statements if any.

My questions are:

1. I saw people in this forum also mentioned attaching all 6 months' bank statements for all accounts. If the PoF letter from the bank has all the information required (including the avg 6 months balance), can I just provide the letter? If bank statements are a must, do they have to be signed & stamped? One bank is an online bank so they do not provide such service, only given digital version.

2. Can I only include the most recent credit card balance to satisfy the outstanding balance requirement? In addition, if (1) is true and no bank statement is required to prove avg balance, how should I prove the outstanding debt I have is tied to this particular bank account?

3. For 2 other banks, I do not have any credit card attached to those accounts, but the banks simply refuse to provide liability or zero debt letter. How should I prove I do not have debt attached? Would 3 months' bank statements work?

4. And ultimately, the application requirement mentions list of "all" your bank (chequing and savings) and investment accounts, but the IRCC website only says to provide proof to show you have a "minimum amount" to support your family. So if I have enough funds from one or two banks, should I still provide all bank accounts? If so, what about the credit cards that do not have a checking & saving service (e.g. Amex)?

Thank you very much and hope the discussion can help a few more folks!