After much persuasion, I was able to obtain proof of funds from my bank yesterday. Instead of showing a single figure as the average balance of my 3 accounts, I was given average balances for each month. The average balances and current Balances are as follows:
Account 1 Account 2 Account 3
April 3436 893 60
May 1702 1277 4433
June 244 1693 5733
July 352 2103 6681
August 213 2503 9233
September 1070 2871 7968
Current Bal 600 3200 7000
Do I need to write a letter of explanation?
Account 1 Account 2 Account 3
April 3436 893 60
May 1702 1277 4433
June 244 1693 5733
July 352 2103 6681
August 213 2503 9233
September 1070 2871 7968
Current Bal 600 3200 7000
Do I need to write a letter of explanation?