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Proof of funds formalities question


Full Member
May 9, 2014
Hi all!

So I didn't get an ITA and don't think it's gonna happen, but I wanna be prepared in case it does ;) Therefore a question about funds:

I think I do have the sum $12.000 in theory, but my money is in several different bank accounts. I have some here in Canada, some in my bank account back home, and the biggest issue: a bunch is still in a savings account belonging to my parents. It's a small fund they saved up for my education and it's definitely my money, I can have and spend it any time - but as I didn't need it, it's still in their savings account at the moment.

So my question is: Should I ask them to transfer the money to my bank account (the one back home) now, so I can prove the funds to CIC in a few months? Will they think I borrowed it from my parents, because they transferred it to me in Feb? Or would I be able to hand in the statement of that savings account, even though it's on my parents name? And in general: Will CIC accept statements of 2 or more accounts from different countries?

Thanks for any advice!