no I haven't received anything yetThe processing time tool can give you a rough idea based on your location. have you got sponsorship approval and file transferred to visa office?
I applied at the end of 2022, October, I received my g number however I am wondering how long my process takes?
After receiving a letter of approval you will receive another one that says "we started your application". After that letter you will wait 20 to 25 months basically 2 years for interview. After interview you will do medical which will take weeks. After 2nd medical you will wait 6 months to 1.5 years for decision made. You will go around late 2025 or early 2026 God willing.I applied at the end of 2022, October, I received my g number however I am wondering how long my process takes?
depends on the visa office, and if you are living in the same country where the visa office isI start processin uganda october 25 /2023and i give finger print August 27/2024how long the intrview and when i will go to canada predict
Ya i live in uaganda please predict based on current condition to goto canadadepends on the visa office, and if you are living in the same country where the visa office is