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Problems with Interpreter at Buffalo Institute

Ha Nguyen

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Nov 9, 2009
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Has anyone else ever had a problem with getting an interpreter from the Institute of Buffalo? Or getting an appointment?

My wife has an interview for her Permanent Residence in Buffalo at the Canadian Consulate in February. I sent the Institute of Buffalo a fax for an interpreter a few weeks ago, and I requested a confirmation from them by email, fax or phone call. I never did get a confirmation. However, when I called them about a week later they said they had gotten the request for the interpreter, but they said I need to fill out the payment form, which is fine.

They said they would email the form to me so I could make payment arrangements with a credit card, which is fine. However, a week has past again since that and still no payment forms. I have called them a few times wondering what their problem is, but all I get is voice mail. I leave messages but no one ever calls back. It's not very professional to say the least.

Also, it says on the Interview instructions to use the "Institute of Buffalo", so we have no other choice. I will try to call them again tomorrow, because my wife feels that she needs one and it advises us on the letter from the consulate to make arrangements early for an interpreter.

Anyone have any experiences like this?

