Hi guys. I'm going to be working/living in Vancouver on the working holiday scheme from this october onwards and i have a quick question.
Here in the UK i'm on oxytetracylene, 250mg pills and i take 4 a day. They basically keep my skin clear and prevent acne and work really well. Now i want to stay on these pills for the duration of my stay in vancouver so can i simply visit a doctor and ask for a prescription for these pills or something similar? If so, what is the standard fee for drugs of this nature?
The only other option I can think of is asking my parents to pick up the drugs here in the UK and FedEx them to me every 2 months. I'm cool with this but i'm not sure what the deal is with customs? As they aren't illegal and i'd have a valid prescription would this be ok or would they simply see the pills and destroy them?
Thanks for the help in advance.
Here in the UK i'm on oxytetracylene, 250mg pills and i take 4 a day. They basically keep my skin clear and prevent acne and work really well. Now i want to stay on these pills for the duration of my stay in vancouver so can i simply visit a doctor and ask for a prescription for these pills or something similar? If so, what is the standard fee for drugs of this nature?
The only other option I can think of is asking my parents to pick up the drugs here in the UK and FedEx them to me every 2 months. I'm cool with this but i'm not sure what the deal is with customs? As they aren't illegal and i'd have a valid prescription would this be ok or would they simply see the pills and destroy them?
Thanks for the help in advance.