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PR renewel - 730 days - Urgent application - want suggestions


Star Member
Feb 27, 2012

Here is my situation:
Landed - Feb 2008
PR card exired: June 2013
Physical presence: 730

Worked full time and have pay stubs, notice of assessments, T4s, medical and bank records to prove my physical presence.

Pretty much all of my physical presence was recent since Feb 2011. But I had to visit my father for 8-9 months. He is old and had surgery and needed someone to take care of him since I am the only son apart from my 2 married sisters. I have doctor letters and copies of his prescriptions.

My questions:
1. Since my physical presence is 730 days, should I wait for another 5 or 10 days and then apply or is it safe to apply right way?
2. I have to again go back to visit my father for about 2-3 weeks because of his sickness, Applying for an urgent should be fine? right?
3. What should I be sending to prove my physical presence? is T4, notice of assessment, car insurance and medical record enough?
4. Should I send the letters from my father doctor for the period I have stayed or I don't need it since I already have 730 days and this would be too much?

Thanks in advance...


Hero Member
Apr 2, 2010

1. Yes, wait is good.
2. Send all record of his health/illness with ticket copy to CIC while applying for Urgent.
3. Monthly Pay stub & letter(s) from employer indicating you worked with them in Canada will be more helpful.
4. You can do that, that will give some margin to you for the absence.


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
Job Offer........
1. Give yourself a cushion in case you miscalculated your days. The more days you can add the better..I suggest 2 days minimum for each absence so if you had 5 absences/trips then a 10 day cushion.

2. Check the CIC criteria for urgent processing. In your shoes I'd be careful because your travel will lead to a new absence that may result in you breaching the 730 days and being back to square one. You don't want the 2-3 weeks to become months and then you lose your new PR Card. As a side issue I've seen on this forum urgent travel at the 730 day mark seem to be referred to the Local Office.

3. Anything that is proof of 'active' presence so any medical related letters e.g. dental receipts, doctor letters, emergency room correspondence etc. A letter from your employer detailing your full time employment in Canada i.e. hours and location will be helpful backed up with NOAs and pay stubs as well as direct deposits as proof. CIC will consider the type of 'employer' writing the letter...if its a major/reputable Canadian employer then its more authentic than a small mom and pop store. The car insurance letter will be disregarded - you don't have to be in Canada for this. In any case the PR Card renewal form details what you need to submit so the above is supplementary to what CIC require.

4. Such information required if you are wanting CIC to consider H&C grounds. CIC will either think you have your days wrong/ incorrect because if you have 730 days why submit the extra info or they may consider it. If you are 100 percent sure of your 730 days I suspect including this info may be a red flag.


Star Member
Feb 27, 2012

Thanks for your reply.

I have followup questions for each numbers:

For number 2 (Urgent processing):
Firstly, I didn't get your point when you said my new absence may breach residency obligation? 99% of my physical presence has been since Feb 2011.
Secondly, when you say: urgent cases with 730 physical presence has been referred to local office: How much delay we may be talking about for Ottawa?
Thirdly, My father has to go thru a surgery and my presence with him is important (me being the only son), do you think a letter from the doctor for the surgery would add any weight for the urgent processing?


Hero Member
Apr 2, 2010
I can reply you for last part as just happened to my friend,

He and his family applied for Urgent processing and sent the record of his Mother in law terminal illness. His wife and kids were replied with e-mail within two days asking for all pages of all the passports they carrying for last 5 years, as soon as they send that his wife and kids received (in mail) the renewed PR cards within 15 days of initial application, but he waited for three months to receive his PR Card.


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
Job Offer........
sthaeem said:

Thanks for your reply.

I have followup questions for each numbers:

For number 2 (Urgent processing):
Firstly, I didn't get your point when you said my new absence may breach residency obligation? 99% of my physical presence has been since Feb 2011.
Secondly, when you say: urgent cases with 730 physical presence has been referred to local office: How much delay we may be talking about for Ottawa?
Thirdly, My father has to go thru a surgery and my presence with him is important (me being the only son), do you think a letter from the doctor for the surgery would add any weight for the urgent processing?
1. The Residence Obligation is a rolling period so it moves forward each day i.e. your 5 window is always changing. If you apply today with exactly 730 days for urgent processing and get your card within 10 days it means you nominally have 740 days. If you leave Canada for 14 days at day 740 then you have a 4 days shortfall at re-entry. To summarize how many days will you have in the 5 years prior to your planned re-entry date after visiting your father? If its less than 730 days then what happens if the CBSA agent decides to report you?

2. Referrals to Local Office seem to lead to an overall processing timeline of 12-15 months.

3. Sure you can include documents for your father's surgery but what I'm saying is that its not needed for urgent processing...all CIC ask for are travel dates. My comment was that if CIC are in disagreement with your declared dates then will they default to considering these being H&c grounds?