Do your medicals and make your dmp send a separate mail to cic mentioning the uci no for the medical. Make them send another mail in a month if you dont get any receipt of med being received by cic.
Can I have a medical exam done in advance to speed up my application?
No. Unless you are being sponsored as a spouse, partner or dependent child, do not initiate any medical tests until you receive instructions and a personalized medical form from this office. Only original forms stamped by the visa section and indicating a valid file number will be accepted by Designated Medical Practitioners. We cannot issue medical instructions or forms until we have received your complete application.
Your examination results are only valid for 12 months from the date of your initial examination. If you are not admitted to Canada within this time, you will be required to undergo another medical examination.
Good day,i hope u ve been able to sort this issue out,if not,send a friendly mail to your vo to notify them that you didn't get the medical request form and that you will appreciate if it can be resent.
Good day,i hope u ve been able to sort this issue out,if not,send a friendly mail to your vo to notify them that you didn't get the medical request form and that you will appreciate if it can be resent.
i attended medicals today brov panel dr have got my info their in database once i give my uci and mr req letter he got ime number with barcode sheets than complite my test and end of tests he gave me copy of recipt abt my medicals on tht recipt one bar code with ime num and my details there