Please, I need more light to this urgently please! They gave me 15 days to submit my passport and documents.
For those that had their visas, ppr or experience this kind of request, can you please shed more light because l don't wanna make a mistake please.
My question is that of my spouse because my spouse is citizen but they are requesting for a background declaration with original signature of both of us Form. IMM5669
Below are part of message l received.
Ø Schedule A: A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature
Make sure you answer truthfully to all questions. Amended Schedule A for you and your spouse Indicate your past history since you reached the age of 18. Specify what kind of work(s) you are doing and have been doing since then. Do not use acronyms. Make sure you do not leave any gap in time. Indicate all addresses in Nigeria and other countries (if applicable) since you reached the age of 18.Make sure you do not leave any gap in time. You must declare if you have been refused any visa or immigration applications in the past from any country. Failure to comply may result in a refusal of your application.
☐ Updated family information: you must advise us of any change in your marital status or family composition. All family members must be listed on your IMM8 application form. Failure to comply may result in a delay in the issuance of your visa.
For those that had their visas, ppr or experience this kind of request, can you please shed more light because l don't wanna make a mistake please.
My question is that of my spouse because my spouse is citizen but they are requesting for a background declaration with original signature of both of us Form. IMM5669
Below are part of message l received.
Ø Schedule A: A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature
Make sure you answer truthfully to all questions. Amended Schedule A for you and your spouse Indicate your past history since you reached the age of 18. Specify what kind of work(s) you are doing and have been doing since then. Do not use acronyms. Make sure you do not leave any gap in time. Indicate all addresses in Nigeria and other countries (if applicable) since you reached the age of 18.Make sure you do not leave any gap in time. You must declare if you have been refused any visa or immigration applications in the past from any country. Failure to comply may result in a refusal of your application.
☐ Updated family information: you must advise us of any change in your marital status or family composition. All family members must be listed on your IMM8 application form. Failure to comply may result in a delay in the issuance of your visa.