In the online form post ITA, its written:
Or do we skip this travel? I have searched throughly on the forum but yet to find a final answer.
How do you mention the travel from your country of origin to new country of residence?Provide details of any trips John Doe has taken outside his/her country of origin or of residence in the last ten years (or since his/her 18th birthday if this was less than ten years ago). Include all trips: tourism, business, training, etc.
You can tell us about each trip by filling in the fields below.
Check the list at the bottom of the form first to see information you have already saved.
• When you click "Save and Add", each trip will be saved to the list.
• The fields will go blank to let you add another trip.
• Use the modify or delete button if you want to change a trip that you have already saved to the list.
Or do we skip this travel? I have searched throughly on the forum but yet to find a final answer.