superkev said:
Hi, so as i was photocopying my application i lost my police certificate. I was wondering if i could use the photo copy or does it have to be the original document?
what country are you applying from? it does have to be the original PCC.
A lot of US applicants have applied without the FBI check, including a note instead about the long wait times and how they would forward it on immediately as soon as they received it. At this advice I personally did this and forwarded my FBI check after sponsorship approval to our Ottawa VO. It was attached to my file w/o incident.
If everything in your app is ready to go, you could consider attaching the copy and explain that you lost the original and have applied for a new one. That wait times for FBI checks are 3 mos and you will forward it on as soon as you receive it.
If you are applying from a country with shorter wait times for background/police checks, then nevermind! haha