I am spocoring my wife from Philippines she is 41 , We just got an email requesting Police certificates.
This letter refers to your application for permanent residence under the Spouse or Common-law Partner in Canada class.
Subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.
Subsection 21(1) of the Act states that a foreign national becomes a permanent resident if an officer is satisfied that the foreign national has applied for that status, has met the obligations set out in paragraph 20(1)(a) and subsection 20(2) and is not inadmissible.
In preparation for the processing your application, we require additional documents/information to assess your eligibility and admissibility to Canada.
In order to avoid delays in the processing of your application you must only send one submission in response to this request. That submission should contain all requested documents. Alternatively, if you are unable to provide any or all of the requested documents/information, please explain why they are not available, in the same submission where you submit all of the documents that you have prepared/that were requested.
If you have not yet submitted the following documents, you must submit them to this office:
Police Certificate(s)
The principal applicant (and all family members 18 years or older) is required to submit a police certificate(s) from the:
• The country where you have spent most of your adult life since the age of 18;
For instructions on how to obtain the correct police certificate required, you must visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp If you have already submitted police certificates as noted above please disregard. If you are unable to comply please forward a written explanation.
We submited police clearance when we applied all except for when she was a trainee in Japan for one year in 2006.
It states on the CIC web site To submit police certificate submit police clearance for where you currently live ( Canada ) and where you have spent mostof your adult life since 18. That would be Philippines Brunei and Canada.
I believe this is a generic letter sent out. I know we need to send police clearance for her son now 21 living in Philippines.
But is it nessasary to send police clearance for Japan where she was a trainee for one year seeing as tho it was a brief stay.
Thanks in advance.
CIC Reference below.
Police certificates
Sponsored spouses, partners and dependent children do not have to include police certificates with their application package.
Once the application is being processed, we will ask for police certificate(s) from the principal applicant and any family members over the age of 18 (whether they will accompany the principal applicant to Canada or not). This is used to help assess admissibility.
When we ask you for police certificate(s) at this stage, you’ll have to submit them for:
the country where you currently live, if you have lived there for six months or more; and
the country where you have spent most of your adult life since the age of 18.
The same applies to your family members who need to submit a police certificate.
Find more information about police certificates.
This letter refers to your application for permanent residence under the Spouse or Common-law Partner in Canada class.
Subsection 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.
Subsection 21(1) of the Act states that a foreign national becomes a permanent resident if an officer is satisfied that the foreign national has applied for that status, has met the obligations set out in paragraph 20(1)(a) and subsection 20(2) and is not inadmissible.
In preparation for the processing your application, we require additional documents/information to assess your eligibility and admissibility to Canada.
In order to avoid delays in the processing of your application you must only send one submission in response to this request. That submission should contain all requested documents. Alternatively, if you are unable to provide any or all of the requested documents/information, please explain why they are not available, in the same submission where you submit all of the documents that you have prepared/that were requested.
If you have not yet submitted the following documents, you must submit them to this office:
Police Certificate(s)
The principal applicant (and all family members 18 years or older) is required to submit a police certificate(s) from the:
• The country where you have spent most of your adult life since the age of 18;
For instructions on how to obtain the correct police certificate required, you must visit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp If you have already submitted police certificates as noted above please disregard. If you are unable to comply please forward a written explanation.
We submited police clearance when we applied all except for when she was a trainee in Japan for one year in 2006.
It states on the CIC web site To submit police certificate submit police clearance for where you currently live ( Canada ) and where you have spent mostof your adult life since 18. That would be Philippines Brunei and Canada.
I believe this is a generic letter sent out. I know we need to send police clearance for her son now 21 living in Philippines.
But is it nessasary to send police clearance for Japan where she was a trainee for one year seeing as tho it was a brief stay.
Thanks in advance.
CIC Reference below.
Police certificates
Sponsored spouses, partners and dependent children do not have to include police certificates with their application package.
Once the application is being processed, we will ask for police certificate(s) from the principal applicant and any family members over the age of 18 (whether they will accompany the principal applicant to Canada or not). This is used to help assess admissibility.
When we ask you for police certificate(s) at this stage, you’ll have to submit them for:
the country where you currently live, if you have lived there for six months or more; and
the country where you have spent most of your adult life since the age of 18.
The same applies to your family members who need to submit a police certificate.
Find more information about police certificates.