I want to go to Canada for advanced diploma (3 years) in environmental technology in centennial clg
my 10th in 2009 with 80%
And I have one year gap between my 10 and 11 due to som problems in my family
In that year, i.e. 2009-10 I was enrolled in MPC (maths, physics, chemistry) but I dint write exams
and then in 2010 I joined 11th with bipc (botany, zoology, Physics and chemistry)
and completed 12th in 2012 with 74%
But because of my bad luck, U may be knowing abt disturbances in in AP telangana issue like 75% of the AP 2nd year students failed in physics as it was out of paper but the govt conducted advanced supplementary exams and I passed in it but its written compartmental in the marks sheet
then In 2012 I joined a university for nanotech but as the university was so bad I discontinued and now applying for canada
IELTS- I got overall 7 bands and not less than 6 in any module
I know that these internal states problems r not considered by visa offices so mine will be regarded as compartmental and my consultant said me that as my qualification is only 12 and I have a good IELTS score I can get the VISA
so plz suggest me
wat reasons I should write for 1 year gap b/w 10th and 11th
and for my physics backlog
and gap of 1year after completing 12th
by the way my course doesnt need good physics thats y they gave me admission
plz reply
thank u
I want to go to Canada for advanced diploma (3 years) in environmental technology in centennial clg
my 10th in 2009 with 80%
And I have one year gap between my 10 and 11 due to som problems in my family
In that year, i.e. 2009-10 I was enrolled in MPC (maths, physics, chemistry) but I dint write exams
and then in 2010 I joined 11th with bipc (botany, zoology, Physics and chemistry)
and completed 12th in 2012 with 74%
But because of my bad luck, U may be knowing abt disturbances in in AP telangana issue like 75% of the AP 2nd year students failed in physics as it was out of paper but the govt conducted advanced supplementary exams and I passed in it but its written compartmental in the marks sheet
then In 2012 I joined a university for nanotech but as the university was so bad I discontinued and now applying for canada
IELTS- I got overall 7 bands and not less than 6 in any module
I know that these internal states problems r not considered by visa offices so mine will be regarded as compartmental and my consultant said me that as my qualification is only 12 and I have a good IELTS score I can get the VISA
so plz suggest me
wat reasons I should write for 1 year gap b/w 10th and 11th
and for my physics backlog
and gap of 1year after completing 12th
by the way my course doesnt need good physics thats y they gave me admission
plz reply
thank u